Monday 13 June 2016

Model Questions For UGC NET (English Literature) With Answers

1 . Francis Bacon’s essay’s first edition appeared in 1597 second in 1612 and the third in …
A. 1624
B. 1622
C. 1621
D. 1630
Answer. 1621

2 . Identify the dramatist of the old school
A. Chapman
B. Johnson
C. Fletcher
D. Marston
Answer. Fletcher, other dramatists of the old school are Dekker, Heywood, and Beaumont

3 . The greatest of the non-fictional prose works of the Elizabethan age.
A. Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
B. The gentle craft
C. Thomas of reading
D. Jack of New Bury
Answer. Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, it is written by Richard Hooker

4 . Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity, began appearing volume by volume in ……………..
A. 1590
B. 1594
C. 1598
D. 1599
Answer. 1594, it continued till the author berth

5. Bacon’s English prose style has been called ……………
A. Ciceronian
B. Anti-ciceronian
C. Italian
D. Anti-Italian
Answer. Anti-ciceronian

6. Dekker presented ……………. Life.
A. London
B. New York
C. Paris
D. New Zealand
Answer. London, he took interest in London

7 . The dramatists of the Jacobean age can be divided into ………….. classes
A. 4
B. 2
C. 6
D. 8
Answer. 2, they are
I. The dramatists of the old school
II. The satiric group

8 . Name the author of “The shoemaker’s holiday”?
A. Chapman
B. Dekker
C. Heywood
D. Marston
Answer. Dekker, his other main play is Honest whore

9 . In “Shoe Maker’s Holiday” Dekker created the famous Eyre, the shoe maker who finally becomes …………
A. Lord Mayor
B. Land Lord
C. Teacher
D. Minister
Answer. Lord Mayer. This play exhibits the optimism of Dekker

10 . Chapman wrote “eastward ho” in collaboration with ………..
A. Marston
B. Heywood
C. Dekker
D. Webster
Answer. Marston

11 . Much of what Bacon wrote appeared in the age of ………..
A. James I
B. Elizabeth
C. Queen Mary
D. Henry VII
Answer. James I

12 . Chapman’s best work in comedy in found in ………….
A. Busy D Ambois
B. All fools
C. Gentleman usher
D. Eastward ho
Answer. East ward ho

13. Next to Shakespeare, who was the most influential dramatist?
A. Chapman
B. Marston
C. Dekker
D. Heywood
Answer. Marston, his plays reveal the employment of those devices which were later on used with greater artistry by Web star, Tourneur, Middleton and Ford.

14 . Who was the writer of Edward I?
A. Thomas Kyd
B. Marlowe
C. Ben Johnson
D. Shakespeare
Answer. Marlowe

15. Hooker was a ……………
A. Protestant
B. Catholic
C. Roman catholic
D. Humanist
Answer. Protestant

16. The asset of the Jacobean period was ………..
A. Moral uplift
B. Nationalism
C. Plot-construction
D. Natural themes
Answer. Plot construction

17. Whose tragedies carry forward the revenge tradition set up earlier by Kyd?
A. John Marston
B. Thomas Dekker
C. Chapman
D. Heywood
Answer. John Marston

18. Marston was a ……………
A. Poet
B. Comedian
C. Actor
D. Satirist
Answer. Satirist, he wrote tragedies characterized by violence and coarseness

19. The influence of …………… tragedy is perceptible in …………..
A. The Spanish
B. The English
C. The Italian
D. The Scottish
Answer. The Spanish

20. Marston’s comedy malcontent fore shadows Shakespeare’s ……………
A. The tempest
B. Othello
C. Macbeth
D. The merchant of Venice
Answer. Marston

21. Jacobean drama is the drama of the age of ………………
A. Queen Elizabeth
B. Queen Mary
C. James I
D. Richard II
Answer. James I, it was a decadent form of drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries

22. Heywood continued the espouse throughout his career a view of the universe as the ……….
A. Creation of man
B. Articulation of the human
C. Explosion of human brain
D. Creation of an ever loving god
Answer. Creation of an ever loving god

23. Match the following
List 1- A) Chapman B) Marston C) Dekker D) Heywood
List 2- 1)1575-1650 2) 1572-1632 3) 1575-1634 4) 1559-1634
A. 1 2 3 4
B. 4 3 2 1
C. 3 4 1 2
D. 2 4 1 3
Answer. B

24 . Middleton ……… the citizen
A. Depicted the follies and foibles of
B. Flattered
C. Supported
D. Depicted good doing of
Answer. Depicted the follies and foibles of

25 . Middleton began his career by writing ……………
A. Satirical tales of low life
B. Comic tales of low life
C. Tragic tales of high life
D. Comic tales of high life
Answer. Satirical tales of low life

26 . Lamp called whom a sort prose of Shakespeare ……….
A. Chapman
B. Marston
C. Heywood
D. Dekker
Answer. Heywood, like Shakespeare he stressed in prosaic terms a moral view point which associated with Shakespeare’s great plays.

27 . Hooker modeled his style on ………………
A. Dante
B. Petrarch
C. Cicero
D. Boccaccio
Answer. Cicero

18. Who was the last of the writers of domestic and tropical drama?
A. Chapman
B. Marston
C. Dekker
D. Heywood
Answer. Heywood

28 . Heywood’s strength was in the portrayal of people belonging to …………
A. The middle class
B. The lower class
C. The upper class
D. The courtiers
Answer. The middle class

29. Like Shakespeare Heywood was a ……..
A. Conservative
B. Humanist
C. Autocrat
D. Satirist
Answer. Conservative

30. Hey wood was a prolific dramatist but the play by which his name is remembered is …………….
A. A woman killed with Kindness
B. The Revenger’s tragedy
C. Tempest
D. Cymbeline
Answer. A woman killed with Kindness

31. Name the author of the comedy “A Trick to catch the old one”
A. Middleton
B. Heywood
C. Dekker
D. Chapman
Answer. Middleton, his other comedies are
I. A moral world
II. My masters
III. A chaste maid in cheap side

32. The author of “A chaste maid in cheap side” …………..
A. Heywood
B. Chapman
C. Middleton
D. Dekker
Answer. Middleton

33. The golden age of English drama ………….
A. Jacobean age
B. Age of Queen Mary
C. Elizabethan age
D. Age of Chaucer
Answer. Elizabethan age

34. “Woman beware” is the tragedy of ……………
A. Heywood
B. Chapman
C. Middleton
D. Dekker
Answer. Middleton, his other tragedy is women representing like the white devil

35. “Woman representing like the white devil” is the work of …………
A. Chapman
B. Heywood
C. Dekker
D. Middleton
Answer. Middleton

36 . ‘The battle of Agincourt’ is the ballad of ……….?
A. Samuel Daniel
B. William warner
C. Michel Drayton
D. Shakespeare
Answer. Michel Drayton

37 . The England’s Heroical epistles (1595), the Barons war (1603) and polyolbion are written by ………….?
A. Shakespeare
B. Samuel Daniel
C. William warner
D. Michal Drayton
Answer. Michal Drayton

38. Polyolbion is an enormous poetical description of ………… in thirty books
A. France
B. Scotland
C. Italy
D. England
Answer. England

39 . Which work of Drayton that Drayton himself refers to as his ‘Herculean toil’?
A. England’s Heroical Epistles
B. Poloyobion
C. The barons wars
D. England’s Helicon
Answer. Poloyobion

40 . William caston translated Reynard the fox, from ………..?
A. Dutch
B. Latin
C. English
D. Scottish
Answer. Dutch

41 . Identify the work of Caston?
A. The ship of fools
B. The game and play of the chess
C. Repressor of overmuch bluming of the clergy
D. The book of faith
Answer. The game and play of the chess (1474) other works are the Recayell of the histories of troy (1471) Reynard the fox and the dictes and saying of philosophers

42 . “But he has a ready instinct for good saxon prose, and his prose is far more readable and attractive than some of the prose written about this time” it is a statement of Rickett about whom?
A. Gavin Douglas
B. William Dunbar
C. William Caston
D. Sir. Thomas Malory
answer. William caston

43 . Who published Malory’s memorable work ‘Morte d’arthur’?
A. Sir. Thomas Malory
B. James I
C. Peacock
D. Caston
Answer. Caston. He pointed out that it was completed in the reign of king Edward IV in the year 1470.

44. According to caston, ‘Morte D Arthur’ was completed in the reign of ……….?
A. Edward III
B. James I
C. Edward IV
D. Richard II
Answer. Edward IV

45 . Arnold Swin Burne, Morris and Lord Tennyso were inspired by ………?
A. ‘Morte D Arthur’
B. Canter bury tales
C. Why come ye not to court
D. Colin clout
Answer. ‘Morte D Arthur’, it is a compilation of French romances dealing with different cydes of romances like that of king Arthur and his round table

46 . Identify the famous work of Tennyson, which influenced by ‘Morte D Arthur’?

A. The ship of fools
B. The vision of piers the plowman
C. Idylls of the king
D. Why come ye not to court
Answer. Idylls of the king

47 . Wyatt and surrey gave an introduction in Italy for …………..?
A. The sonnets
B. Heroic couplet
C. Rhyme royal
D. Rhyme scheme
Answer. The sonnets

48 . The …….. plan of writing sonnets in sequences was also adopted by many poets
A. Scottish
B. Italian
C. English
D. French
Answer. Italian

49. ‘The paratyse of dainty devises is an example for the period of ………….?
A. 14th century
B. Victorian
C. 1579 to 1625
D. 15th century
Answer. 1579 to 1625, there work in the period are a handful of pleasant delites and an arbour of amorus devises

50. The paston letters are the correspondences of the Paston family from …………?
A. 1422-1509
B. 1400-1500
C. 1411-1499
D. 1431-1531
Answer. 1422-1509.

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