Monday 23 May 2016

Parts of Speech with Examples in Brief

Parts of speech plays an important role in the basic of English grammar. For any verbal test that you are going to attend, this is the first section you have to be strong. This will help you to enhance your both writing and speaking skills. You have to be clear in identifying which word belongs to which division. Words are classified into various kinds called Parts of Speech, there are 8 divisions in it and they are, noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, interjection.

1. Noun: A word used to denote a person, place or a thing. There are two general types of noun called common noun and proper noun. Common noun is a name given to all common people or place or thing. Proper noun is a particular name given to the person, place or thing.

For example, 

Person: John, Shella, Rahul etc. Shella is a proper noun; girl is a common noun
Place: Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, state, city
Thing: Ball, book; all objects that we can see, touch and smell and also the things we can think/ feel but can't touch eg: quality(kindness), action(hatred) and state(poverty). 

2. Pronoun: The words which are used instead of noun is called as pronoun. If you use 'she' instead of a girl's name then that 'she' is a pronoun. Examples: i, he, she, it, anyone, them, who, few etc.

3. Adjective: Words which adds some information to the noun; Examples: small house'House' is a noun and 'small' is adjective), ten chairs, clever boy, large city. 

4. Verb: A word which used to express a state or an action; Examples: read, write, fight, feel, enjoy, burst etc.

5. Adverb: The words which add something to the meaning of a adjective, verb or for another adverb. Examples: very beautiful( 'very' is an adverb 'beautiful' is an adjective), run quickly( 'run' is a verb and 'quickly' is an adverb).

6. Preposition: A word act as a link between a noun or pronoun with other parts of the sentence. Example: in, on, at, under, among, between, around etc.

7. Conjunction: A word which joins two words or sentences are called conjunction. Examples: and, but, so, or, yet, for etc.

8. Interjection: The words which are used to express a sudden feeling, an expression. Examples, hurrah!, Alas!, oh!, wow! etc. 

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